Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Advertisement: Visual with words


  • I am actually quite proud of this advertisement. While it does not say anything too terribly convincing about the use of blogging in the classroom -namely that using a blog allows the teacher to be lazier- it was my very first use of Photoshop. Well, my first mature use of Photoshop. Ill allow you to draw conclusions about what that means on your own.
    During my mad dash for more research, I came across an article that did not really seem all that relevant to my pursuit. It spoke nothing of behaviorism; instead, it was filled with in-class examples and teacher perspectives. At the time, I had resolved to go above and beyond in terms of research materials so I threw it on the stack and went on my merry way.
    When I returned to my dorm, I sat down and read the article in its entirety. The in-class examples were quaint and mildly amusing. As I read I found a section where teachers listed the benefits, they found themselves. One of which was simply a teacher's comment that reading the comments on one blog was far more easy than carrying home 80 notebooks. This made me laugh. What a grand over simplification!
    So why did I include it? Because nearly every source I found said some variant on this theme. It is easier. This shows that on top of all the other great things blogging does, some of its most pleasant benefits are quite inane.

    By Blogger Mr. Pardue, at 7:43 PM  

  • I see I have already reached your 250 word limit. give me a pat on the back

    By Blogger Mr. Pardue, at 7:45 PM  

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